Deliverying maritime expertise with passion,
while shaping the future we want.
Eitzen Group is a family owned maritime organization headquartered in Oslo, Norway. Established in 1883 by Captain Camillo Eitzen, the group has 140 of shipping experience.
Portfolio and strategy
We develop and invest in companies that take pride in delivering expertise to the maritime industry, and that will be defining in shaping the future of shipping.
We are active owners with a long-term view.

Christiania Shipping
More the 50 years experience of high quality shipping solutions in the chemical market

Zen Oceans
Design and delivers energy storage solutions for the maritime, and delveops fully electric ship solutions

Designs and delivers advanced integrated automation, energy and digital solutions for a safer, cleaner and more reliable global marine industry
Other investment
We are invested in start-ups, venture funds, shipping projects and tradeable securites.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Years of Experience